I am a Year 7 student at Edmund Hillary School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Room 9 and my teacher is Roya. This is a place where I will share my learning. Please note that some of it will not be complete, it will be my first draft. Remember to be positive, thoughtful and helpful when you leave me a comment.
Thursday, 16 December 2021
My Pepeha's
Friday, 10 December 2021
Tuesday, 7 December 2021
My Google Earth Reflection
What was the activity? - To pin point 14 different locations in our school on google earth and label them.
How did I complete this activity? - I completed this activity by going outside and finding the object or tree that I need to pinpoint on google earth. And comparing it to googles earth's image to make sure that I have the exact location.
What were the positives I learn't - I learn't more tree's and more about my school as well. There are some tree's on the map that I didn't even know this school had. I
What were some challenges you faced - Some challenges I faced were that even though I got some pretty accurate locations for the objects and trees. there were some tree's that blended in with other tree's which made it a lot harder. I also struggled with using google earth because I wasn't used to the setting's and wasn't familiar with it.
How did you overcome them? - I overcame them by going outside counting the trees so that I could count the trees in google earth as well to find the right tree. I overcame my next challenge by just playing around with the settings and getting used to them.
What would I do next time? - I wouldn't over complicate it because I just made it harder and made it take much longer to finish then it should have.
Thursday, 2 December 2021
Tu Meke Tuatara Reflection
Wednesday, 1 December 2021
( Inquiry ) Paper plane Blog Reflection
How did I find the activity? - I found the activity very fun but at the same time stressful
Which aspects/parts of the activity did I find easy or challenging? - I found getting the timing to throw the plane challenging.
What are some of the strategy’s I used during the activity? - I threw my plane when there was a breeze so that it could push the plane further
What changes would I make to my plane dart next time? - I would make a different plane because the plane I made was too heavy. Which made my plane not go as far as I wanted.
What are my predictions for future plane dart modification attempts. And how will it affect my result? - I think that my future attempts will be a lot more successful because. I know what to and what not to do. Because I have already done plane darts before.
Thursday, 25 November 2021
Tuesday, 9 November 2021
Tuesday, 26 October 2021
Friday, 22 October 2021
Friday, 24 September 2021
Tuesday, 21 September 2021
Friday, 17 September 2021
Thursday, 16 September 2021
The Stairs of Hope
The day started off just like any other day in my hometown. Everyone was acting like they usually do. I followed my usual daily routine, I ate breakfast and went to school in the morning, I went home in the afternoon to do my homework, Then I finished the day by reading books, playing on my phone and going to sleep. The day went by in a flash! I carried on this peaceful lifestyle when one day,
I noticed that my parents disappeared. I didn’t remember them saying anything about going to work or to a nearby shop and so I was worried. But, eventually I convinced myself that they had gone somewhere. I went to school and no students and staff were there. Something was off. I started to walk around the school wondering what was going on. I was running around the school for hours desperately hoping to find someone. I had given up and went home. The sun had already started to set. So I decided to go to sleep. But, when I woke up I was lying on the grass in the middle of a foreign field.
The field is extremely huge. The vast field felt like it would never end if I tried to escape .The grass is decorated with beautiful color flowers. I was so taken away from the beauty of this foreign land. That I forgot that I was away from home. After doing a bit of sightseeing. I started to look around the foreign countries. I tried to look for natives, but the country was inhabited. I then desperately started walking anywhere with the hope of finding my home. Right when I thought that all hope was lost. I then suddenly stumbled upon a stone staircase decorated with flowers. I wasn't too sure if I should go to the staircase, But my burning will to survive told me that it was the only way to get home. And so started running up the stairs.
I started to run up the stairs desperate to go back home. It was really long and tiring. But, I didn't care. I continued to run until my feet felt numb. But once I made it to the top of the staircase I suddenly fell asleep. Once I woke up, I was lying down in my bed sleeping. Overwhelmed by shock, I just sat in bed and looked at the floor. I got out of bed, went to the living room and my parents were there. They were sitting on the couch. I then got ready and quickly ran to school. All of my friends, teachers and classmates were there.
I didn’t know what to think and so I just convinced myself that it was all a dream. But even though I thought it was a dream. It felt so real.
Moral of the story - Never give up....
Tuesday, 14 September 2021
Monday, 6 September 2021
Thursday, 2 September 2021
Monday, 30 August 2021
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Friday, 20 August 2021
Books are Important
Books are important
How many books do you read a day? None? In my opinion, getting into reading is a good idea because it can benefit you in many ways . Books play a significant role in every student's life by introducing them to a world of imagination, providing knowledge of the outside world, improving their reading, writing and speaking skills as well as boosting memory and boosting intelligence.
Some more benefits of reading are. Reading makes you more empathetic. Reading is a way to escape reality, and can take you to faraway lands, sometimes it also allows you to step into other people’s shoes. Some more benefits are, reading keeps your brain healthy, reading reduces stress, reading helps you sleep better and lastly reading sets a good example for kids.
But, sadly nothing can be that perfect, as much as reading has a large variety of pros, it also has a large variety of cons. Some of those cons are…. It can damage your eyesight drastically, it is time consuming ( Which in a way can also be a pro ), it costs a lot of money, it takes up a lot of storage and some books are propaganda. Although reading has lots of cons we need to remember that reading also has LOTS of benefits. Some of the main benefits are it improves your creativity and vocabulary, it provides inspiration, it improves your productivity, it can assist you in developing a personality and it can enable you to be open minded. For example, reading books about different cultures, religions or countries can help you make connections to that place.
And lastly decades ago, studies showed that young children whose parents read to them regularly or made them read regularly demonstrated performance improvements in three categories: vocabulary, spelling and (unexpectedly) math. This suggests that developing as a reader helps improve a student's overall ability to process new concepts and new types of information.
In conclusion, ready is healthy and good for you. But, reading an unhealthy amount is not good for you. In my opinion getting into reading is a good idea, just don’t overdo it.
Friday, 13 August 2021
Friday, 6 August 2021
Nigeria Olympics Report
Nigeria Olympics Report
Have you ever heard of the Olympics? It is a massive event that takes place in different countries every four years. Every time the Olympics take place over 200 countries participate. One of those countries is Nigeria.
Nigeria is a country in the continent “Africa”. Nigeria's population is over 211 million. It has the biggest population in the whole of Africa. So far Nigeria has won a few medals. It was ranked 7th most populous country in 2019. Majority of the people in Nigeria are either Christan or Muslims. The Official language in Nigeria is English but you are less likely to hear them speak English in rural areas. Other major languages spoken include: Hausa, Yoruba, Igbo, Fulfulde, Ibibio, Kanuri, and Tiv. Nigerian Sign Language, Hausa Sign Language, and Bura Sign Language are all languages used in Nigeria. The main religions in Nigeria are Islam and Christianity, imported to West Africa generations ago. But traditional African religion has not been forgotten, especially among the Yoruba ethnic group.
On August the 3rd E Brume, a female athlete won a bronze medal in the long jump games. And on August the 4th, 32 year old Blessing Oborududu don a female Athlete of Nigeria beat Battsetseg Soronzonbold from Mongolia for the semi finals of the women's 68kg freestyle event and made it to the finals in the women’s wrestling. She won a silver medal.
Nigeria first made their appearance in the Olympic Game in 1952 and has sent athletes to compete in every single Summer Olympic Games since then, not including the boycotted 1976 Summer Olympics. Nigerian athletes have won a total of 3 gold medals, 10 silver medals and 12 bronze medals. Resulting in 25 medals total not including the Tokyo 2021 Olympic medals.
In conclusion Nigeria has a long and inspiring history. They are doing very well in the Olympics and I look forward to further achievements. If you were in the Olympic Games. What county would you like to represent?
Thursday, 5 August 2021
Friday, 30 July 2021
Triathlon Report
Triathlon Report
Have you ever heard of Triathlons?
It's a sport that requires three different sports. Those three sports being long distance running, swimming and cycling. It is a sport that is held during the Olympics. The Olympics is a very big national competition that has 193 countries participating per year. Amazing right? It is held every four years and is an amazing sport for sport lovers and non sport lovers.
What is Triathlon’s history in the Olympics?
The 2000 Summer Olympics saw the first appearance of the Triathlon. 48 women and 52 men participated in separate triathlons games. The average time for a Triathlon game for high caliber professionals often finish Olympic Triathlons in about 2 hours or less. The men's record currently stands at just over 1 hour, 46 minutes. The women’s world record is 1:56:16 achieved by Gwen Jorgensen. But for top age groupers, Olympic distance Triathlon times typically range between 2 and 2 ½ hours.
What is Triathlon and how does it work?
Triathlon is an athletic competition that contains three different sports. To switch from sport to sport they have transitions. They are the link between each segment. Those three sports are cycling, swimming and long distance running. The first sport is a 1.5km swim which usually takes less than 20 minutes. The longest segment is the 40km bike ride. The strongest and toughest athletes take around an hour to complete. After that they get on their shoes and go for a 10km run. For the first time at an Olympic games, Tokyo will be holding a mixed relay event.
How did Triathlons originate?
Triathlon is a multi-sport endurance race that includes Swimming, running over various distances and cycling. The sport originated in France during a multi event race during the 1920s, with more specific rules and races forming during the late 1970s as clubs and individuals developed the sport Triathlon.
What is New Zealand involvement in the Olympics Triathlon games?
In 2021 (This year), the Olympics were held in Tokyo. This year (2021) on the men's team for Triathlon, NZ won a bronze medal. The name of the man who won a bronze medal for NZ is Hayden Wilde. NZ’s Olympic story started in 1908, when three athletes competed as part of the ‘Australasian’ team. The Australasian team was led by Flag-bearer Henry Murray.
Why is Triathlon in the order it is?
There is no official reason for the events in a Triathlon. But if you look back at the history of Triathlon. Even though it was made popular by the Ironman race back in the 1980s, the first Triathlons in the 1920s located in France the original sports included running, cycling and canoeing. Nowadays in the Olympics people participate in the modern Triathlon games.
Why is swimming first in a Triathlon?
The reason behind swimming being first is because swimming is the biggest threat to an athlete when tired. If the swimming portion were at the end, then it would increase the chances of gruesome accidents, racer cramping or collapsing in exhaustion in the water and possibly drowning.
A lot of kids love running, biking and swimming, which may be the reason for the growing popularity of mini-triathlons for kids. A lot of events claim to be for little children but kids should compete when they are 9-10, so technically when they are of age.
Who was the first woman to win a gold medal?
In this year (2021). On Tuesday, Flora Duffy won the women's Triathlon. Becoming the first Bermudian in the Olympics history to take home a gold medal. The 33 year old woman crossed the finish line with a time limit of 1 hour, 55 minutes and 36 seconds, more than a minute ahead of second place finisher Georgia Taylor Brown of Great Britain.
In conclusion the sport Triathlon has a great and long history. It is a sport that requires great perseverance and strength. It originated in France during the 1920s. It has somewhat changed over the vast years.
Thursday, 8 July 2021
Wednesday, 30 June 2021
Friday, 25 June 2021
Tuesday, 15 June 2021
Friday, 11 June 2021
Thursday, 3 June 2021
Friday, 28 May 2021
Thursday, 13 May 2021
Friday, 7 May 2021
Tuesday, 4 May 2021
Thursday, 15 April 2021
Thursday, 1 April 2021
Thursday, 25 March 2021
My Café Design
Monday, 15 March 2021
Birds Survey

Monday, 8 March 2021
Friday, 5 March 2021
Monday, 1 March 2021
Friday, 26 February 2021
Monday, 22 February 2021
The Treaty of Waitangi Narrative
It was a scorching hot day in Aotearoa. Murray the village chief was checking on the villagers and asking the Maori warriors if they could see some boats in the horizon. When suddenly. A small man in funny clothing and fair skin arrived at shore in a tiny white boat. “Men'' shouted Murray, “inspect that strange small man at once!”. As the warriors galloped along, the suspicious man quickly sailed away in the humongous ocean. “We lost him chief, “ said one of the Maori Soldiers. And then the pakeha and all the other Maori people of Aoeteroa went back to their everyday lives.
Not long after the incident the strange man returned except with an army behind him. “ My name is Senric, the leader of the British army!,” “We the warriors of British declare war!”. Said the small man. “We want this beautiful healthy land!, “. Murray was furious to see him. Murray had just found out that the British people had been selling their land in secret. The chief accepted the war and put together his finest army's. The villagers all evacuated the area and hid in a safe place while the Maori people were out fighting. Victoria, another fellow chief of the Maori was in charge of keeping the villagers safe while Viena, another fellow chief was in charge of health support. After many wars between the Maori and British the two countries came to an agreement.
The British government and Maori had come to an agreement. Though not all chiefs agreed. At the time not many ( or none at all ) Maori spoke English. And so the British got Henry Williams and his son Edward to translate the English version into Maori. Once it was translated on the 4th of February 1840 about 40 chiefs signed the treaty. And by the end of the year almost 500 chiefs signed the treaty. Senric signed the treaty on behalf of queens Victoria. Te Tiriti o Waitangi is an agreement that was signed by representatives of the British Crown and Maori chiefs ( and other types of important leaders ) The Treaty aimed to protect the rights of Maori to keep their land, forests, fisheries and treasures while handing over sovereignty to the English. But after years of living in peace together the two countries had long violence wars once more.
After all the hardships. New Zealand is now under the British empire. After countless wars New Zealand was colonized. The treaty is now held at archives New Zealand in Wellington.
The Treaty Of Waitangi Podcast
Thursday, 11 February 2021
Friday, 22 January 2021
Pixel Art ( SLJ )
Mondrian Art ( SLJ )
Summer Picnic
Thursday, 21 January 2021
That Was Summer ( SLJ )
( Background image is not mine )
Kind Regards ~ Ruqayat
Wednesday, 20 January 2021
Pixel Art ( SLJ )
Tuesday, 19 January 2021
Fishy False Teeth ( SLJ )
This task was about identifying if the images with fish that have teeth are hoax or not. On first glance my answer was yes. In my head the answer was yes because there are a lot of un usual things in this world. So a fish with teeth wouldn't be too surprising. After doing a lot of research I found out that the picture was real. What did you think? Happy Holidays!
Kind Regards ~
Monday, 18 January 2021
Summer in New Zealand
This task was about how different countries celebrate Summer. Part of this task we needed to read an article about different countries in summer. But, New Zealand wasn't there. So we had to write our own. This is what I came up with.
Friday, 15 January 2021
Camping (SLJ)
For this task we needed to make a list of items we would take to camp. I wrote down 7 items that I thought were important for camping, It was time consuming but extremely fun. Happy Holidays!
Kind Regards ~
Thursday, 14 January 2021
Symmetry Art ( SLJ )
Wednesday, 13 January 2021
Summer Song Maker ( SLJ )
This task was about the natural sounds we hear in nature. We had to use a website called "Song Maker". On that website we were free to make random shapes and patterns. And it would make a song. This song I made reminds of Summer sounds because it is quiet and calming. Happy Holidays!
Kind Regards ~
Tuesday, 12 January 2021
Summer Symmetry
Friday, 8 January 2021
Summer Collage (SLJ)
This task is about making a summer collage. To do this task we needed to insert pictures
of what we do in the summer.
These are the pictures I have chosen to represent how I spend my summer. Happy holidays!
Kind Regards ~
Thursday, 7 January 2021
My special Summer Place (SLJ)
Wednesday, 6 January 2021
Ice cream ( SLJ )
Tuesday, 5 January 2021
Fruit and Vege Art ( SLJ )
Monday, 4 January 2021
Which one is real? Which One is Fake? (SLJ)
This task was about guessing which picture was edited and which one was not. To do this task we needed to go on this website that gives us a random picture to guess from. These are the two pictures I was given. To answer we just need to click on the picture that we thought was real. This task was quite hard because for me it was hard to find clues that give it away.