
Friday, 22 January 2021

Pixel Art ( SLJ )


 For this task we needed to make our own Christmas tree gif. It was really fun! I made lights on my Christmas change color. The website I used to make this is called " Piskel ",. It was an extremely easy task. Happy Holidays !

Kind Regards ~

Mondrian Art ( SLJ )


For this task I had to make Mondrian art. Mondrian art was made by Piet Mondrian. I had a difficult time with this task because I don't really understand how to make this art. So overall it was an extremely hard task.

Summer Picnic


For this task we had to make a summer picnic basket. The items I chose were all of the things that I would take if I went on a picnic. It was a very easy and fun task! 

Thursday, 21 January 2021

That Was Summer ( SLJ )


This task was making a poem about summer. It was very quick and easy. Some of the stuff written down on this poem did not actually occur in real life. Happy Holidays!

( Background image is not mine )

Kind Regards  ~ Ruqayat

Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Pixel Art ( SLJ )


This task was making pixel art. This art was inspired by an image I saw recently on you tube. My image was the sunset. It took over an hour to complete. It was quite a hard task. If you were making pixel art. What image would create? And why did you choose that specific image?  Happy Holidays!

Kind Regards ~

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Fishy False Teeth ( SLJ )


This task was about identifying if the images with fish that have teeth are hoax or not. On first glance my answer was yes. In my head the answer was yes because there are a lot of un usual things in this world. So a fish with teeth wouldn't be too surprising. After doing a lot of research I found out that the picture was real.  What did you think? Happy Holidays!

Kind Regards ~


Monday, 18 January 2021

Summer in New Zealand

 This task was about how different countries celebrate Summer. Part of this task we needed to read an article about different countries in summer. But, New Zealand wasn't there. So we had to write our own. This is what I came up with.

Friday, 15 January 2021

Camping (SLJ)


For this task we needed to make a list of items we would take to camp. I wrote down 7 items that I thought were important for camping, It was time consuming but extremely fun. Happy Holidays!

Kind Regards ~


Thursday, 14 January 2021

Symmetry Art ( SLJ )


This is a step it up task for the symmetry task. To do this task we needed to make an animal from fruit and veggies and make sure it has symmetry. I decided that I would make a pig. Can you see the symmetry line? Happy Holidays!

Kind Regards ~

Wednesday, 13 January 2021

Summer Song Maker ( SLJ )



This task was about the natural sounds we hear in nature. We had to use a website called "Song Maker". On that website we were free to make random shapes and patterns. And it would make a song. This song I made reminds of Summer sounds because it is quiet and calming. Happy Holidays!


Kind Regards ~


Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Summer Symmetry


For this task we needed to find 4 symmetry shapes in nature. These are the shapes I have selected. It was a very easy and time consuming task. Happy Holidays!

Kind Regards ~

Friday, 8 January 2021

Summer Collage (SLJ)


This task is about making a summer collage. To do this task we needed to insert pictures

of what we do in the summer.

These are the pictures I have chosen to represent how I spend my summer. Happy holidays!

Kind Regards ~


Thursday, 7 January 2021

My special Summer Place (SLJ)


 This activity was about researching a popular tourist spot in New Zealand. I the place I re searched        was " Coromandel Peninsula ",. I inserted a picture of this tourist location then I added 4 facts.  Happy  Holidays!      

Kind Regards ~


Wednesday, 6 January 2021

Ice cream ( SLJ )

For this activity we needed to write different flavors of ice cream in Maori. To do this task, on almost every slide there is an audio. In that audio there is a person saying something in Maori. I had to write down what I thought that audio was saying. It was a very easy and fun task

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Fruit and Vege Art ( SLJ )


These pictures were inspired by a flower and an among us character. And the color scheme for these art pieces is green.  For this task we needed to make art out of fruit and veges. It was a very easy but time consuming task. 

Monday, 4 January 2021

Which one is real? Which One is Fake? (SLJ)

This task was about guessing which picture was edited and which one was not. To do this task we needed to go on this website that gives us a random picture to guess from. These are the two pictures I was given. To answer we just need to click on the picture that we thought was real. This task was quite hard because for me it was hard to find clues that give it away.